Origine France Garantie certification: a guarantee of quality for Du Bon Côté shirts

In a world where the origin of products and the transparency of production methods are becoming essential criteria, consumers are looking for authenticity and commitment from brands. It's against this backdrop that Du Bon Côté has made the bold choice to obtain the invaluable Origine France Garantie certification for its entire range of shirts.

This certification is a guarantee of excellence, total traceability and respect for French craftsmanship. It testifies to Du Bon Côté's unwavering commitment to its roots in France and to high-quality local production.

By taking this demanding step, the brand is reaffirming its founding values loud and clear: a love of meticulous work, a cult of French perfection and the ambition to offer its customers a transparent and responsible shopping experience.

Priority to transparency: Du Bon Côté's commitment to total traceability

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the origin and manufacturing process of the products they buy, and traceability and transparency have become essential requirements. Customers are looking for brands that promote their values of authenticity, quality and respect for the environment. It's against this backdrop that Du Bon Côté has established itself as a key player, with its unwavering commitment to French production.

At Du Bon Côté, we have placed traceability at the heart of our approach from the outset, offering our customers total visibility over the journey of each shirt, from the selection of raw materials to the final garment. This transparent approach reflects not only our core values, but also our constant concern to offer exceptional pieces, crafted with the utmost care and respect for French artisan traditions.

What is Origine France Garantie certification?

Origine France Garantie certification: definition, objectives and strict criteria

Officially presented to the French National Assembly on 19 May 2011, its aim is to provide consumers with clear information about the origin of a product and to enable companies that take this certification step to enhance the value of their production.

In concrete terms, to obtain this certification, the product manufactured must meet the following two criteria:

  • the place where the product takes on its essential characteristics is located in France
  • 50 At least % of the unit cost price is acquired in France

Du Bon Côté's demanding path to OFG certification

The key stages of certification


The 6 stages of certification include :

  • Verification of French production criteria.
  • A complete file with proof of supply and process.
  • A detailed documentary audit of costs and methods.
  • Assessment of the application by the certification body.
  • The final award decision.
  • An annual follow-up audit, on-site or documentary, to maintain certification.

The never-ending quest for French excellence

Since its creation, Du Bon Côté has been committed to producing all its shirts in France, with a constant focus on French quality and excellence. However, to provide its customers with an additional guarantee of traceability and transparency, the brand has chosen to take a decisive step by obtaining the prestigious Origine France Garantie certification.

The benefits of certification for Du Bon Côté

By obtaining Origine France Garantie certification, Du Bon Côté benefits from a number of strategic advantages that underline its commitment to high-quality French production.

The certification highlights the excellence of the 100 % made in France know-how and manufacturing methods. It proves to our customers that each shirt is an exceptional piece, made with respect for tradition and using carefully selected local raw materials.
This guarantee of authenticity is designed to considerably strengthen the confidence and loyalty of our customers. It facilitates the identification and recognition of genuinely French products by customers who are concerned about provenance and manufacturing conditions.

Lastly, Origine France Garantie certification gives us access to new markets and business opportunities, appealing to a customer base that is increasingly sensitive to products of controlled and traceable origin. This is a major differentiating advantage in a highly competitive environment.

By obtaining Origine France Garantie certification, Du Bon Côté is once again reaffirming its unwavering commitment to French-style excellence. This distinction is the culmination of our previous efforts to offer our customers impeccable quality, combined with total transparency about the conditions under which our products are made.

But over and above its own success, our brand wants to make this certification part of a wider corporate citizenship initiative. By deliberately choosing OFG-certified products, consumers are actively helping to support the local and national economy. In doing so, they are promoting French craftsmanship and contributing to the long-term survival of an exceptional industrial heritage.

The benefits of OFG certification for consumers

Guarantee of the French origin of DBC shirts

The Origine France Garantie certification offers consumers a valuable assurance: that the products they buy are of French origin. In our case, this means that each shirt is made entirely in France, from the selection of raw materials to the final garment. All the key manufacturing processes take place on French soil, ensuring local production that respects standards and traditions. By choosing OFG-certified shirts, consumers are actively supporting French industry and promoting local know-how.

La Bigoudène

Quality assurance and traceability at every stage

Obtaining OFG certification is more than just a formality: it means complying with strict criteria and undergoing regular checks.

At Du Bon Côté, we ensure that each shirt meets the high standards imposed by the certification. The total traceability we offer allows customers to follow the journey of each shirt, from yarn to finished shirt, in complete transparency. This rigorous approach to production ensures that our products are not only of the highest quality, but also ethically and responsibly manufactured.

In short, Origine France Garantie certification offers consumers a number of advantages: a guarantee of French origin, an assurance of quality and traceability, and a significant contribution to the local economy. It's an enlightened and responsible choice for those wishing to promote and support French production, while ensuring that they acquire high-quality products.

Helping to support the local and national economy

By choosing products certified as Origine France Garantie, consumers play a crucial role in supporting the local and national economy. This certification promotes the maintenance and creation of jobs in France, by encouraging companies to produce locally.

For Du Bon Côté, this approach is essential: it strengthens the French economic fabric and preserves local craft skills. Buying OFG-certified shirts means making the choice of economic and social commitment, while benefiting from products of excellence. It's a concrete gesture that contributes to the dynamism of French industry and the sustainability of its unique skills.

Discover our new collection of certified shirts
Guaranteed French Origin !